Summer Camp begins the week following Memorial Day week and runs through the end of July, and sometimes into the first week of August, depending on when the school year begins. Exact dates are determined each spring.
Before Car Hours: 7:30-8:15; Regular Hours: 8:30-2:45; After Care Hours: 3:00-5:30
Our Summer Camp program for toddlers follows our regular school year program without any changes to the materials or curriculum.
Our Summer Camp program for primary students follows Montessori methods but does not include Montessori materials. Summer camp teachers prepare weekly-themed group lessons and hands-on projects, to expose children to a variety of learning topics and sensorial explorations. Activities include a wide variety of art choices, building with blocks or other materials, dress up, puppets, puzzles, caring for the classroom, preparing and enjoying snack with friends, singing, dancing and storytelling. Older children will have an opportunity to do more skillful work, such as reading and crafting in the afternoons while the younger children nap. Outdoor play will include time on the playground, explorations in our woods, group games, and water play. The schedule of a typical day is as follows.
8:15-8:45am Arrival and outside time (weather permitting) or indoor activities
9:30am Snack and morning activities
10:45am Group time
11:15am Outdoor play (weather permitting)
12:15pm Lunch
1:00pm Nap or afternoon activities (depending on age)
2:15pm Outdoor play time (weather permitting) or indoor activity
2:45-3pm Pick-up
3:00pm After care program
5:30 pm Closed
Students may enroll for the entire summer or enroll by the week, depending on availability. Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis and is offered first to currently enrolled students. Please contact the Head of School for more information.