At SPMS, We Believe:
Each child is doing the best they can at the moment. The best a child can do changes from one day to the next and sometimes from one moment to the next. Beginning from this premise we seek to understand what each child needs and to help guide their natural efforts to learn and to grow.
A beautiful and interesting learning environment, both indoors and out, combined with the freedom to explore and to choose purposeful activity are key to a child's physical and intellectual development.
Capable teachers create and continuously improve such an environment and guide children toward every opportunity in the vast Montessori curriculum.
A community of friends and the support of a loving, capable adult guide are the foundation for developing a positive sense of self, the security of belonging, and the social and emotional skills needed to play and work with others.
A school is a community of learners when it includes the active involvement and loving support of its parents, grandparents, neighbors, and local businesses.
Our Mission Statement:
Using the Montessori model, we nurture children's curiosity and empower them to become confident and self-motivated individuals with a strong sense of respect for themselves, others, and the world around them.
Land Acknowledgment:
We respectfully acknowledge that Spruce Pine Montessori School is located on the original and ancestral homelands of the Tsalaguwetiyi (Cherokee) and Satsoyaha (Yuchi) Tribes.
We understand that Native American peoples are part of our communities, not historical subjects. We give thanks for the invaluable wisdom they offer for the ways we exist, today and into the future, in relationship with Mother Earth and with our human and non-human neighbors. We commit to continued education and celebration of the history and contributions of the Tsalaguwetiyi and Satsoyaha and to act as responsible stewards of the land.